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Sezin Sevestre is clinical psychologist who has been proposing psychotherapy and psychological counselling to adults, couples and families since 2014. Her work on psychotherapy is mainly based on psychodynamic and systemic approach. As she is also accredited practitioner in EMDR and in Somatic Experiencing, she integrates necessary therapeutic approaches and tools depending on one’s needs. Currently, she is working in her own office in Strasbourg, France with in person and online therapy options.

She graduated from Austrian High School in İstanbul. Her bachelor’s degree in psychology is at University of Doğuş and she also has bachelor’s degree in sociology at University of Bosporus in İstanbul. Then, she has gained the degree of master in clinical psychology at İstanbul Bilgi University in which she is additionally specialized in couple and family therapy. 

Her areas of expertise are varied all kinds of emotional and relational difficulties including, anxiety disorders, depression, fears and phobias, all kinds of trauma, loss and grief process, migration, stress management, conflict in couple and families. She is also working with women and couples about pre- and post-pregnancy process.

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She is sensitive and feels responsible to the social events in the world therefore tries to be helpful by making volunteer work as a mental worker. In the lead of initiative of EMDR Turkey she took part in early intervention team and worked with the people who were affected by the event of major mining accident in 2015, bombing attack in İstanbul Atatürk Airport and Covid-19 pandemic.

Sezin Sevestre is a member of French National Health System, Turkish Psychologists Association (TPD), Association for Couples and Family Therapy in Turkey (CATED), EMDR Turkey and France, Somatic Experiencing Turkey and Association of French Speakers practitioners of Somatic Experiencing (APFSE).

N° Adeli : 67 93 1765 1

N° Siret : 894 161 991 00019

Field of Expertise






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Tram D, C, E: Landsberg

Bus 14, 24: Neudorf Marché

Train : Gare de Strasbourg - Krimmeri

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2-Çift ve aile terapileri derneği çated-sezin sevestre strasbourg logo.png
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